Birthdays are always special at the end of the day.

First Birthday in US of A, happened to have a lot of first-time events in my life and even one big event in the American History.

First being itself that it was my 1st bday in US of A
A different unexplainable feeling to be away from India.
Being away from Mummy and PappA 
I owe a lot of whatever I am today to Mummy and PappA and it seemed a mixed bag of feelings to be away from them. Not once since my birth a birthday had till now ever been birthday without them.
Studying on Birthday, Are you kidding??
Yes, I studied and I am not kidding. Thanks to Comp550 Quiz yesterday and a Comp530 Midterm today
You miss cutting your birthday cake, Sad huh?
But its a part of life. Don't regret it :)

But then are somethings that never change..

  • The ritualistic Birthday Aarti a Indian tradition Trademark with the difference of technology to overcome distance barriers (Skype :P) 
  • The home-made sweet. I love my Ghar ke laddoos or any other sweet and its special on your birthday 
  • My reputation of being a Pizza-Glutton even on my birthday ;)

Nov 6th 2012 in American History - Obama gets reelected as Prez for the second term!! No smilies so dont assume any comments ;)

At the end of the day however, birthdays are always special :)


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