Gearing up for Masters/PhD in Computer Science - 3 Basics you need to know (Part3)

In the last hour I stressed upon Analysis and Design of Algorithm, moving ahead to the next hour.

2nd Hour - Linear Algebra

You may agree with me that Computers Science is based on mathematics. And I believe if you really wanna master a subject you need to understand the foundations of that subject. Of course you can get away with refreshing the Discrete Mathematics that you may have learnt in your Undergraduate. But I feel Discrete Maths using fundamentally Linear Algebra, and thus learning Linear Algebra well will make you understand most of the underlying concepts of Discrete Maths.

Suggested Materials/ References: I haven't used any Linear Algebra textbooks so I am not in a position to suggest you one. But I don't feel the need as I feel the below video lecture series is more than sufficient. Once you using it to learn the subject you can take out problems from any text book and solve them.

Navigate to your last hour(3rd hour) here>>


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