Gearing up for Masters/PhD in Computer Science - 3 Basics you need to know (Part2)

In my last post I said 3 things is equal to your 3 hours and thus we will continue hereafter discussing the 3 hours of your day.

Note, you needn't follow the order I have suggested but just see to it that you work at least for 3 hours.

1st Hour - Analysis and Design of Algorithms 

Algorithms are the basis on which computers are built. An algorithm is an unambiguous step by step procedure to perform a task. And that is what Computer helps us to accomplish :) It is a "naive" machine to which you have to present "unambiguous" instructions to get a task done.

Getting the procedure right is one thing. But you must also be in a position to see if there is a better way in which I can get the task done.

But to understand if there is a better way, you need to "Analyze" your present algorithm. This is achieved by understand the process of Algorithm Analysis.

Now that you have understood the process of Analysis, its time to design, if there exists one, a better algorithm and for this is what you learn from understanding the process of "Designing Algorithms."

Suggested Materials/References: There are many text books in this subject "Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS" happens to be a stand book throughout the world.

But I am person who like more of a visual learning. And rely more on video lectures. The 2 video lecture series on algorithms which I found really helpful were 

1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Prof. Abhiram Ranade from IIT Bombay  -

        Complete 1 lecture from this playlist a day. Don't get scared that this is IIT level course and thinking will I even comprehend what is being thought? He teaches the subject in pure simplicity. This makes to realize that the benefit of studying in IIT or any other good school is that you learn things thoroughly  but with simplicity.

2. Introduction to Algorithms by Prof. Charles Lesierson(Author of CLRS) & Prof. Erik Demaine from MIT -

       A more advance course suggested in future after you complete the 1st lecture series.

Navigate to your next hour(2nd hour) here>>


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